The Plastic Research Workshop

As you will have understood, at the beginning of this new year we want to highlight the great innovative minds of 20th century design! And among them, three young designers have particularly shone by their willingness to shake up the codes of classicism, we think of the French designers and founders of the Atelier de Recherche Plastique; Pierre Guariche, Michel Mortier and Joseph-André Motte. Joseph-André Motte and Michel Mortier met while studying at the School of Applied Arts in Industry and then joined the agency founded by the great French designer Marcel Gascoin. There they met Pierre Guariche, a graduate of the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs. Quickly, they realize their common desire to change the codes of current design, to propose new forms and especially to make furniture accessible to the greatest number. While participating in the 1954 Salon des Arts Ménagers, Guariche, Mortier and Motte met the publisher Charles Minvielle. They embark on designing a series of storage furniture for the publisher. This marks the beginning of their association entitled Atelier de Recherche Plastique (A.R.P.). Under A.R.P., the three designers also partner with publishers Steiner, Airborne but also Cabanne and Disderot. [caption id="attachment_7747" align="aligncenter" width="794"]fauteuil-scoubidou-arp Scoubidou armchair published by Steiner (circa 1955). Seat featured in Jacques Tati's film "My Uncle" (1958)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_7750" align="aligncenter" width="794"]mobilier-arp Enfilade edited by Minvielle (1960s), armchair edited by Steiner (1950s) and bookcase edited by Minvielle (1960s)[/caption] In 1955, the Centre Technique du Bois organizes a competition whose objective is to design practical and adaptable furniture for small spaces. The ARP distinguishes itself and receives great rewards! Strengthened by their success, the three designers will end the Atelier de Recherche Plastique in 1957 to devote themselves to their respective projects. [caption id="attachment_7741" align="aligncenter" width="640"]arp-guariche The ARP won 1st prize in the competition organized by the Centre Technique du Bois ©[/caption] [caption id="attachment_7736" align="aligncenter" width="640"]arp-furniture 1st Prize Living Room: ARP (Pierre Guariche, Michel Mortier, Joseph-André Motte), edited by Minvielle and Cabanne, and Steiner seating ©[/caption] [caption id="attachment_7739" align="aligncenter" width="640"]prix-chambre-arp-concours 2nd Chamber Prize: ARP (Pierre Guariche, Michel Mortier, Joseph-André Motte), edited by Minvielle and Cabanne, and Steinter Seats ©[/caption]

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