10 decorating ideas to adopt the bistro style

A genuine, welcoming style with a strong character that goes with any interior? The bistro style! Raw wood sideboard, metal suspension, cement tiles... zoom on the bistro style, a trend that seduces more and more the followers of a friendly and warm decoration.

The bistro style what is it?

Largely inspired by the industrial style with the use of metal furniture, the bistro style also finds many inspirations in vintage wooden furniture with rounded shapes and rustic materials such as caning.

Bistro style what's it all about?

For a successful bistro decor, we advise you to take care of your wall decoration in order to get a warm and friendly atmosphere. For this, you can bet on red bricks, paint a wall in black or install a slate siding to echo the menu of the day in restaurants.

Little tips: complete your interior with design metallic posters and beautiful bottles. Guaranteed to be a favorite!

What furniture to choose for a successful bistro decor?

Among the designers with the ideal furniture for decorating with an assertive and authentic style, we find Marcel BREUER and the famous Cesca chair, THONET and Antonin SUMAN with the TON brand, a Czech reference for wooden furniture.

Small round tables perfect for entertaining your guests around a great vintage, metal or wooden chairs, stools and barstools... You'll have understood, for a successful bistro style and a friendly atmosphere at the rendezvous, you have to let your imagination run free by mixing styles. The bistro effect is guaranteed!

On the menu: a Design Market selection that's just right for a 100 istrot interior!

The Bistro Style - Inspi 2
1. Chair, 2. Wine rack, 3. Bottle, 4. Table

The Bistro Style - Inspi 8
1. Armory, 2. Chair, 3. Apple, 4. Table

Design Market

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